Store comprehensive contact information, demographic data, and notes about your clients. Keep track of their financial goals, personal and professional milestones, and more.
Drive your day with SmartOffice's extensive task and appointment management features. Record activity outcomes, create follow-ups, and receive text or e-mail reminders.
Use our Dynamic Reports to mine your client data for marketing and upsell opportunities. Generate clear, attractive reports for your clients to help them understand their finances.
Track bank accounts, investment accounts, and insurance policies to develop a complete picture of your clients’ finances at the individual and household levels. Keep your records and book value current with electronic updates to your clients’ portfolios from top custodians and data aggregators.
Create multi-stage opportunity processes to systematically identify, contact, and follow up with prospects. Link opportunities with marketing campaigns to gauge the effectiveness of your efforts
SmartOffice has extensive audit trail and data protection features that keep you on the right side of fiduciary and cybersecurity regulations and standards. We have close partnerships with FCI and OS33, two leading firms in the area of cybersecurity policy and compliance enforcement. To learn more, click here.